Change Your Lives Today Start Living Tommorrow
Released on = December 29, 2005, 12:24 am
Press Release Author = Reliable Co
Industry = Accounting
Press Release Summary = In Todays World of Fast Paced Over Glamourized Under Developed Life Styles of Goal Setting Over Achievers. Do We Need To Change Our Lives and Slow Down
Press Release Body = Success has been an elusive term since the beginning of time. How do we change habits that are so strong and set so deep inside of us. For ages, men and women have pursued that which would make them happy and fulfilled. At the same time they have tried to determine that which would make them feel as though they have achieved success. Some have defined success themselves, while others have been content to have others, or societies at large, define success for them. We would most certainly all agree that to a large degree, \"success\" is defined by the individual or group that is pursuing it.
Is there an objective definition of success? I do think that there are some general principles, shown throughout history, which measure true success. I would like to give you some principles that I believe are helpful when thinking about the subject for yourself, your family, and your career.
To truly understand success, one must first understand the nature of human beings. I believe that you would agree with me that humans are in their very nature a trichotomy, that is, they are made up of three parts: Body, Soul (the mind, emotions, and will), and Spirit (that part of us that transcends this body).
To achieve whole-life fulfillment, \"Success,\" each of these areas must receive special attention in order to bring balance to our lives and achieve true success.
In the past, success has come to be measured by a basic core of measurable objectives, all of which, in and of themselves are fine, but in and of themselves are totally inadequate to fulfill a person. Some of these are:
The accumulation of money has always been a pursuit of man. The more money the better, it has been believed. And yet many who have achieved this end have looked back at the rest of us and warned that it isn\'t all that it is cracked up to be. Now, don\'t get me wrong, having money is not a bad thing.
Change your inside and your outside will change soon.
Power, whether political or simply untitled influence, can be a good thing. If you achieve power, that is good, as long as you are good with it.
Happiness. This is almost entirely subjective and usually includes one or all of the other success goals. People define their version of success and then pursue it. Usually it means a sense of fulfillment and peace, which I will discuss later on.
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